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PZC Minutes 01-08-2013
MEMBERS PRESENT: Patrick Kennedy, Viney Wilson, Mario Marrero, Elizabeth Kuehnel, Kevin Foley
ALTERNATES PRESENT: Stephanie Dexter (seated for William Carroll), Stephen Wagner (seated for Bart Pacekonis), Will Butter
STAFF PRESENT: Michele Lipe, Town Planner, Lauren Zarambo, Recording Secretary
  • Appl. 13-01P, Sullivan Place LLC – request for site plan approval for a site access and clearing plan for a future project to be known as “Sullivan Place Centers”, on property located on the southerly side of Sullivan Ave. (across from Morgan Farms and Hillside Drive), GC zone
  • Appl. 13-02P, Mannarino Builders, Inc.- request for a site plan modification to change the use of “Proposed Open Space E – 5.3 acres” in the approved open space subdivision known as “Dzen Tree Farm” Subdivision, on property located on the easterly side of Maskel Road, westerly side of Barber Hill Road, A-20, A-30 and RR zones

CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Patrick Kennedy called the Public Hearing to order at 7:30 p.m.

Secretary Viney Wilson read the legal notice as it was published in the Journal Inquirer on Thursday, December 27, 2012 and Thursday, January 3, 2013.


NEW BUSINESS: Discussion/Decision/Action regarding the following:

  • Appl. 12-49P, Musante Enterprises, LLC dba Musante Motorsports – request for special exception to table 4.1.1A for a used car dealer’s license for Units 12, on property located at 1257 John Fitch Boulevard, I zone   
Chris Musante presented the application stating he has been working at his automotive repair business in South Windsor for the last ten years and has come to the Commission to ask permission to expand his business to sell cars. Jeff Ellston who has been in the business for many years and is taking care of all paperwork for compliance with Town and Department of Motor Vehicle rules. Mr. Ellston continued stating he had come before the Commission seven years ago when he opened an internet car dealership at 1265 John Fitch Blvd and has been working with Mr. Musante for the last ten years. Their objective is to get necessary approval to go to the DMV to upgrade their repair license to a used car dealer’s license.

Musante Motorsports is a business specializing in Porsche repair with a state of the art facility at 1257 John Fitch Blvd. Their customers are Porsche enthusiasts who look to Musante Motorsports for guidance and recommendations. The name Musante has been used for 25 years and is recognized in the Porsche community. Mr. Musante received approval in 2008 to move from 1265 John Fitch to a new building at 1257. The dealer’s license is being sought to better serve their existing customers. The set back location from RT 5 is an advantage in the industrial complex as is South Windsor’s location in central CT and proximity to New York and Boston. The 5400 square foot unit they lease can store up to 18 vehicles indoors. Their inventory, high end vehicles specializing in Porsches, will be marketed on the internet rather than with outdoor signage. Expected impacts on the property at most will be five additional visits per week by customers viewing vehicles or dropping them off with courtesy towards the complex’s neighbors. They are proposing no change in signage and will have standard business hours Monday – Friday, 9AM – 5PM.

Town Planner Michele Lipe gave staff comments:
Request for Special Exception to Article 4.1.1A and add a used car dealer license to the existing general repairer’s license in the existing industrial building at 1257 John Fitch Boulevard, Unit 12, I zone.
The applicant’s narrative indicates that the sales will primarily be for existing customers looking to purchase an used vehicle. The unit is approximately 5,400 sf and able to accommodate 18 cars in the interior. There will be no outdoor display of vehicles for sale.
The hours of operation are proposed to be Mon- Fri from 9 am – 5 pm and the applicant anticipates an additional 5 visits a week with this use.
The site plan shows the area of the building that will be used as well as the parking area dedicated to these units.
Special exception criteria for consideration of used car dealerships in industrial zones includes:
  • The proposal is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Plan of Conservation and Development.
  • The application has met the requirements of the zoning regulations.
  • The land is physically suited to the proposed use.
  • Minimal, if any, adverse environmental impacts are created.
  • No traffic or other hazards will be created.
  • The impacts on the capacity of the present and proposed utilities, street, drainage systems, sidewalks, and other elements of the infrastructure will be minimal.
  • There will be minimal or no adverse effects on existing uses in the area.
  • Surrounding property values will be conserved.
  • The character of the neighborhood will be maintained or minimally disrupted.
  • The general welfare of the community will be served.
  • There is a balance between neighborhood acceptance and community needs.
  • Historic factors are adequately protected; or due consideration to preservation of historic factors has been demonstrated.
  • The overall physical appearance of the proposed development is compatible with surrounding development and the Commission’s goals for the neighborhood/corridor.
  • The architectural design is aesthetically pleasing and blends well into the surrounding area.
The Commission may impose additional conditions in accordance with these regulations in order to ensure that all applicable criteria enumerated above and/or within a particular use category are satisfied.
The site is served by public water and sewer.  WPCA approval is not required.
If this application is approved, the Planning Dept has no requested approval modifications.

No one from the public spoke in favor or opposition.

Commissioner Wilson asked if there would be weekend hours. Mr. Chris Musante replied he tries not to work weekend hours as a rule.

Chairman Kennedy closed the Public Hearing at 7:40 p.m.

  • Appl. 12-50P, Superior Northeast – request for renewal of a 2-year temporary and conditional permit for a 30’ x 60’ storage shed on property located at 24 Jeffrey Drive, I zone
George Forman representing Superior NE requested a renewal for the Temporary and Conditional permit for a storage tent at 24 Jeffrey Drive.

Town Planner Lipe gave staff comments:
  • Request for renewal of a temporary and conditional permit for a storage tent to house equipment at 24 Jeffrey Drive, I zone. A permit was originally issued by this Commission in August 2002; and the most recent permit expired in April 8, 2010 (an application has been pending since 8/20/10).
  • The storage tent is approximately 30’ X 60’ and is located within the 35’ front yard setback.  
  • There is a considerable amount of outdoor storage on site.  With the 2008 renewal, the Commission required the applicant to screen this storage which he did and is reflected in the pictures.
  • The building code limits the duration of temporary structures. Chris Dougan, the Chief Building Official, indicated that the applicant recently renewed his permit for this temporary structure.
  • The wording of the T & C permit regulation is that, Temporary and conditional permits may be granted by the Commission for a period not to exceed two years. Such approval may be given after a Public Hearing if, in the judgment of the Commission, the public convenience and welfare will be substantially served, and the appropriate use of neighboring property will not be substantially or permanently injured, and traffic and other hazards will not result from such use.
No one from the public spoke in favor or opposition.

Commissioner Wagner asked what is being stored in the tent and why is it necessary to maintain a temporary structure. Mr. Forman replied it is dried material which needs to be under cover such as the mortar mixes that they sell and there is not enough room in their building to house the materials. Commissioner Wagner asked if they ever considered a move or a permanent structure on the site. Mr. Forman said they have considered a move in the past but find the present location convenient and they have not considered building anything permanent because they lease the site.

Chairman Kennedy closed the Public Hearing at 7:45 p.m.

  • Appl. 12-51P, T’s Auto – request for a renewal 2 year temporary and conditional permit (Section 2.13.a) to allow four vehicles for sale at 718 Ellington Road, RC zone
Richard Tarascio, owner of T’s Auto Service and operating at 718 Ellington Road since 1989, introduced the application to renew his Temporary and Conditional Permit to display four used cars for sale on the property. Mr. Tarascio stated selling cars adds additional income to his business to allow him to continue to operate.

Planner Lipe gave staff comments:
  • Request for a two-year Temporary & Conditional permit for the display of four (4) automobiles for sale at T’s Auto Service on the corner of Ellington Road and Pleasant Valley Road (across from the 7-11 store), RC zone.
  • This application was originally granted by the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) in February 1986 to allow two (2) vehicles for sale and renewed by this Commission every two years since.  The applicant has been faithfully re-submitting applications for renewal.
  • The original ZBA approval and earlier Planning & Zoning (P&Z) approvals included three conditions:
  • The permit is restricted to four (4) automobiles and excludes vans or trucks.
  • The cars are to be no closer than twelve (12) feet from the corner.  No more than twelve (12) cars in a single row with other cars making a second row (as shown in the diagram submitted) are to be parked from the station to Pleasant Valley Road.  This includes the automobiles for sale.
  • There will be no parking at any time in the front area of the parking lot.
  • The regulations state that Temporary & Conditional permits may be granted by the Commission for a use, if the public convenience and welfare will be substantially served, and the appropriate use of neighboring property will not be substantially or permanently injured and traffic and other hazards will not result from such use.
  • If this application is approved, the Planning Department has no modifications to recommend.
No one from the public spoke in opposition or favor.

Commissioner Wagner stated he visited the site and found it crowded. Mr. Tarascio described the area where the pumps were once located three years ago stating he tries to keep the site as clear as possible but cannot always control where customers drop off vehicles.

Chairman Kennedy closed the Public Hearing at 7:50 p.m.


CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Kennedy called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:55 p.m.


NEW BUSINESS: Discussion/Decision/Action regarding the following:

  • Annual Meeting
  • Election of Officers
Commissioner Wilson made a motion to nominate Patrick Kennedy for Chairman, Commission Kuehnel seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Commissioner Kuehnel made a motion to nominate Bart Pacekonis for Vice Chairman, Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Commissioner Kuehnel made a motion to nominate Viney Wilson for Secretary, Commissioner Dexter seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

Commissioner Dexter made a motion to close the nominations, Commissioner Marrero seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

  • Review of By-Laws (previously distributed) There were no proposed changes to the By-Laws.
  • Other Business : None
  • Appl. 12-49P, Musante Enterprises, LLC dba Musante Motorsports – request for special exception to table 4.1.1A for a used car dealer’s license for Units 12, on property located at 1257 John Fitch Boulevard, I zone
Commissioner Wilson made a motion to approve with the following modifications:
  • All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
  • The building street number must be included on the final plan.
  • Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.
  • All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected.
  • Standard special exception form must go on file in the office of the town clerk.
Commissioner Wagner seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.
  • Appl. 12-50P, Superior Northeast – request for renewal of a 2-year temporary and conditional permit for a 30’ x 60’ storage shed on property located at 24 Jeffrey Drive, I zone
Commissioner Wilson made motion to approve with the following modifications:
  • The Temporary and Condition permit will expire on January 8, 2015.
  • A new building permit is required to renew the temporary structure.
Commissioner Marrero seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

  • Appl. 12-51P, T’s Auto – request for a renewal 2 year temporary and conditional permit (Section 2.13.a) to allow four vehicles for sale at 718 Ellington Road, RC zone
Commissioner Marrero made a motion to approve with the following modifications:

  • This permit is for a two (2) year maximum period.
  • This permit is restricted to four (4) vehicles for sale with a standard auto marker, and excludes vans or trucks.
  • The cars are to be no closer than twelve (12) feet from the corner.  No more than twelve (12) cars in a single row with two (2) other cars making a second row (as shown in the diagram submitted) are to be parked from the station to Pleasant Valley Road.  This includes the automobiles for sale; and
  • There will be no parking at any time in the front area of the parking lot (triangle and near the dumpster).
  • The permit will expire in two (2) years, January 8, 2015, and will have to be renewed at that time.
Commissioner Foley seconded the motion. Commissioner Wagner stated that the site appeared very crowded and did not appear to be conforming to the rules. Chairman Kennedy asked if it was during the work day as work days can be busy and crowded and the crowding not necessarily Mr. Tarrascio’s fault. Planner Lipe stated at the end of the work day and overnight there is compliance on the site.

The motion carried and the vote was unanimous with one abstention from Commissioner Kuehnel.

  • South Windsor Food Alliance presentation by Andy Paterna
Andy Paterna, part of the South Windsor Food Alliance, pointed out a large group of SW Food Alliance members in the audience and began his presentation asking the Commission for guidance on how to pursue a possible second community garden on Deming Street on the recently purchased Nelson property. Mr. Paterna stated the first community garden on Avery Street is always filled to capacity with a waiting list every year. Maps of the Nelson property were distributed. Mr. Paterna pointed out a barn on the map stating the barn is no longer on the property but the section could become the unpaved grass parking area on the site for up to 80 to 100 cars. Beyond the barn, using 2 of the 11 acres on the site, approximately sixty gardens could fit which is the same capacity as the Avery Street site. Grant money will be researched for getting water to the site. Mr. Paterna asked the Commission for guidance on how to proceed asking if an application needs to be filed stating the South Windsor Food Alliance is a subcommittee of the Park and Recreation Commission.

Chairman Kennedy asked if the Town owns the property. Planner Lipe replied it is town owned. The Chairman stated the Town would then be the applicant. Commissioner Wilson asked if the property was purchased as open space. Planner Lipe replied it was. The Planner suggested approaching the Town Council which would technically be the applicant as owner of the land and if the town was expending any funds it would be referred as a 8-24 referral to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The issue of a site plan has come up when parks have been created. Although it will remain a grass parking area some kind of access point will need to be established requiring some minor improvements to make it all work. Chairman Kennedy confirmed it will go to Town Council for approval and then an application can be filed with staff for PZC approval.

Commissioner Wagner requested confirmation that farming was an allowable use on open space properties. Commissioner Wilson, long time member of the Open Space Task Force, clarified one of the main criteria that was considered when purchasing this open space property was that it was an agricultural piece. The Commissioner confirmed it will have to go before the Town Council to approve such use.

Mr. Paterna described the only construction they foresee would be minor construction of open raised beds for a wheelchair garden with a few stone dust trails at the front of the property closest to the parking area. Mr. Paterna distributed a printout with goals and objectives of the Alliance.

The South Windsor Food Alliance started with the Parks and Recreation Commission and connected with the South Windsor Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory Commission and the Historical Society to create a great working team reconnecting South Windsor with its farm and agricultural history. A five to eight year long range project is planned.  One accomplishment to date is locally grown produce from a South Windsor farm which has been growing produce for over 100 years was delivered on January 3rd to the South Windsor school system. The Winter Farmers Market at Unity Church had a positive response from town with many farmers selling out weekly. Local restaurants are interested to buy more local produce and will advertise on their menus. This spring signs will be placed on town owned land already leased to farmers reading ‘This is a Partnership between Town of South Windsor and Farming’. This is a positive movement making direct connections from local farms and agriculture to town and community. The Farmers Markets are being certified to use Snap Cards (former Food Stamps) so families will have better access to local healthy food. The SW Food Alliance has received an invitation from the CT Food System Alliance to attend a statewide meeting to connect the local efforts into a statewide movement. Mr. Paterna projected making South Windsor a regional center for a healthy food system.

Michele Lipe stated licensing of food vendors takes place at staff level in the Planning Department for vendors to sell food and have farm stands during the summer months. This information can be provided to the Alliance to encourage connections. The Alliance plan can also be incorporated into the Town Plan update.

Mr. Paterna concluded a goal of the Alliance is healthier people eating healthier foods creating a healthier community and asked for a letter of support from the Commission. Chairman Kennedy stated that letter will come by consensus from the Commission.

Commissioner Wilson made a motion to reduce Appl. 11-03P, Hartford Hospital Office – Trail $25,000 Bond by $23,000 to leave a balance of $2,000; E&S $5,000 Bond by $5,000 to leave a balance of -0- and Stormwater Structures $5,000 Bond by $5,000 to leave a balance of -0-.
Commissioner Dexter seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

MINUTES:  12/11/2012 adopted by consensus.



Commissioner Kuehnel made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Dexter seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous. Chairman Kennedy closed the regular meeting at 8:25 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lauren L Zarambo
Recording Secretary